Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.02.2023 (641 days ago)


641 days ago 31 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Take a deep breath and hold it 'til it hurts, race the clock, stay up late/get up early, steal a night on the town, watch the ball game into extra innings, turn the volume up to the max, read another chapter, have another drink, run an extra mile, bank another dollar, break a rule, spend without thrift, do another good deed, reach for another goal, win another race, down another adversary, do another favor, consume another taco, create another masterpiece, live another year, love unconditionally, be Reliable like Ray, exceed expectations, out do the competition, achieve your dream, sing it loud, stand and deliver, take a flyer and bet on a long shot and, most of all, Dare to be Great!

There are no limits!

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Posted By : Joanne Celi