This morning the Salvation Army is sending over a truck to pick up some office furniture that's in my garage. That's the technical description of what's happening. The real story is the desk I sat at for over 20 years, the flat files I used for artwork that was lovingly made for clients and the files cabinets that housed the history of the Tobol Group are being given away. I'm sad because this represents many years of my life.
Although I am still doing what I enjoy and have two great partners, the Tobol Group is near and dear to my heart. When you start a business you emotionally invest in it. becomes kind of like a child as you nurture it and watch it grow.
And now it's time to let a piece of it go. To help myself deal with it, I hold on to the thought that the next person to use this furniture will have the same level of success and enjoyment as I did.
I guess nothing lasts forever....
Posted By : alkable
Posted By : alkable