02.17.2013 (4400 days ago)

Let's Go on a Cruise!

Let's Go on a Cruise!
4400 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It looks like Carnival Cruise lines is in some hot water.  Not only from the lawsuits by angry passengers, but I would wager that their business has got to be bad for some period of time.  I think a lot of people are going to pick vacation choice number 2 instead of a cruise.  The national park service should run a counter-commercial with a couple in a car being attacked by a bear saying "we should have done this last year" as they flash back to their Carnival cruise and going to the bathroom in a bag.

That had to be the worst if, which if nothing else makes us appreciate our toilets.  The good news there is that the ship also was running out of food, so that would make you have to go less often.  I think it would have been a good time for body cleansing and a four day water only fast.

It also occurred to me that in the olden days, before toilets had indoor plumbing, people had to use outhouses. Getting up in the middle of a cold and windy February night to go would require not just shuffling barefoot with eyes half open into your bathroom a few feet away, but a coat and boots and an unheated and dark outhouse. Not as bad as what the passengers on Carnival had to endure, but still fairly unappealing. I would have rather been bloated until morning.


We have gone on a few cruises.  The worst of it so far were some bad shows and a windy deck.  All in all we have really enjoyed them.  If we  go again though we may bring some extra supplies.  Just in case.


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