08.09.2021 (1259 days ago)

Let's Dance

Let's Dance
1259 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My husband and I did something last week that we love doing. And we haven’t been able to do since the beginning of the pandemic. We went dancing! (what did you think I was talking about??)



It was my sister-in-law’s 55th birthday. So, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law invited 25 of their relatives and close friends to their beachfront home. They set up, on the beach, a hibachi dinner, dance floor and DJ. The moment the music started to play everyone cautiously looked at one another. Then everyone got up and started dancing. And almost everyone, including my husband and I, stayed on the dance floor until the DJ finished, about three hours later.



The next day we were a bit sore (ok a lot sore). But we texted my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and thanked them for a wonderful time. Most importantly, we thanked them for bringing dancing back into our lives. We hadn’t realized how much we had missed it during the pandemic.




Sometimes we just need to dance. Have you?

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