Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
04.27.2016 (3225 days ago)


3225 days ago 6 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:Beyonce, adoption, cheating,

Recently the entertainment news has been full of Beyonce's film, Lemonade, which tells the story of Jay Z's unfaithfulness, her feelings and the decision to stay with him. Fairly interesting stuff done in a very artistic way.

Thats not the lemonade I'm writing about today. My lemonade story does involve male philandering, but the heart of the story is quite different.

From the HuffPost:

Tristan Jacobson’s lemonade stand was an overwhelming success. Hundreds of people came by over the weekend to support the 9-year-old’s entrepreneurial enterprise in Springfield, Missouri. One couple even drove more than two hours to buy Tristan’s lemonade; while another stranger, driving from California to Chicago, made a detour in his journey just to get a bottle.

The boy’s legal guardian, Donnie Davis, says the outpouring of support was a huge boost for Tristan, a child whose life has been marred by struggle.

“I think this helped to show him there are good people in the world,” she told The Washington Post. “So many people just wanted to give him a hug.”

They also wanted to help Tristan achieve his goal: To raise enough money for his own adoption.

Davis has been caring for Tristan since he was just a baby. Her ex-husband, she said, had cheated on her with a teenager who’d become pregnant. When the girl gave birth, she was unable to care for the infant, and Davis was granted temporary custody of him.


After word of his cause spread across the country via news reports and social media, hundreds of strangers flocked to his aid.

Davis told the News-Leader that Tristan’s lemonade stand raised more than $7,000; and another $15,000 has been raised via a fundraiser.

“There’s not enough words to say ‘thank you’ to everyone who has shown support or given us donations,” Davis said. “Everyone has made this possible. We will make sure this child will forever be ours.”

“She will be my parent,” he told the News-Leader, pointing to Davis. “I’m happy because I have a new mom who loves me.”

"If life gives you lemons, don't settle for simply making lemonade - make a glorious scene at a lemonade stand." -Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love and a bunch of other great books

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