Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
09.11.2021 (1275 days ago)


1275 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Funny thing about can test all you want (which we did on about 25 devices) but when you launch, it can be a totally different outcome. I've been battling some crazy issues this week which I did not expect. I believe (hope) we have ironed out most of them.


This new site was conceived over 2 years ago and I'm so happy it's finally live. Getting to this point has been an adventure. I'm grateful it's up and want to thank everyone who has provided feedback. I really got a kick out of Mike Steger's response...hope he doesn't mind if I share it with you.


"Mitch – all I am going to say is F@#king A – the site looks great, especially on desktop...modern graphics. Intuitive design.."


Thanks for the laugh Mike and all the comments. I truly appreciate them :)

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