Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.30.2019 (1896 days ago)

Land Line Anyone?

Land Line Anyone?
1896 days ago 29 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


How many of you out there still have a land line at home?

We still do but frankly, I am not really sure why. The calls that come in on that landline are mostly sales calls, political calls, important notifications that I have either won a car or an expensive trip or that my computer has acquired a terrible virus that can only be fixed by providing immediate access.

You get my point. People who really know and need to reach me call my cell.

Why am I keeping that phone?


[And, of course, how could I end today's blog without wishing each of you a wonderful, happy and prosperous New Year.  Looking forward to continuing to network together in 2020!]

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