Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
06.03.2020 (1750 days ago)

LOVE, or L'amour

LOVE, or L'amour
1750 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

"What the world needs now, is love, sweet love."

I would be remiss, if I chose not to mention the anger filling our cities and streets, manifesting itself in the form of destruction, stealing, killing, fighting and then proudly posting it across the world, on social media.

Love isn't something you can put in a box, slap a fancy marketing sticker around, and sell on Amazon. It takes effort, intent, will, investment of time, planning and executing.

Love is an action. A deed. A sacrifice.

Here we are, Gotham. Spreading the LOVE.

All the SPEAK in the world, won't change things. It takes a "Doer"

Please tell me what act of LOVE you are going to commit today and let me know when its DONE.

Gotham is full of Doers.


What are you DOING today?

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