Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.20.2014 (3921 days ago)

LEFT Out No More!

LEFT Out No More!
3921 days ago 18 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Last week we had our semi annual Lefty Lunch (where, for once, we could sit and eat comfortably anywhere at the table) at the Friars Club.

At the Lefty (handedness, not politics) Lunch we commiserated re being the last unrecognized downtrodden minority.

I, for one, am passionate about having being left off the waves of our Nation's affirmative actions. It just stinks, always being unconsidered and forgotten.

For example, too many lefties were abused in their early school days due to their use of their south paw.

Gotham has a Lefty List (serve) and we call for all our fellow lefties to come out of the sinister shadows and join us in the last crusade.

We are very unique and special!

Lefties Unite!

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