Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.07.2023 (697 days ago)


697 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I first learned of the single sailor, around the World Golden Globe (sail boat) Race when my friend Guy deBoer entered it.  

The race started last year on the west coast of France on September 4th and we were there in beautiful Les Sables to see Guy off on his unique adventure.  

Not only is the race solo, but it takes place in a 1968 (year of initial race) time warp, ie, no post 1968 technology is allowed. 

No GPS, for example.  

As Guy was preparing, in the days prior to the race, we noticed, directly across the dock, a young, attractive, athletic, blond women (pictured) scampering around and above her ship shape sail boat.  

Little did we know that she was preparing to become World Famous.  

She is Kirsten Neuschafer and she's a tough 40 year old sailor from South Africa.  

On September 4th, 18 stalwart souls started the race, including one women: Kirsten in her boat Minnehaha (Native 
American for "laughing water").

During the race one boat sunk and Kirsten came to the rescue, picking the unfortunate sailor out of the roiling sea and adding to her legend (many women are already wearing Kirsten tee shirts)!

Presently, after 7 lonely months at sea, striving to circumnavigate the globe, Kirsten is the leader of the 3 remaining boats in the race.  

Her lead is slim and ever evaporating as she is caught in the "duldrums".

I check on her status countless times a day with the hope she has caught the wind.  

It is my hope that she wins! And imagine what that would mean!

Over 6000 people have crested Mt. Everest, but Kirsten would be the first woman to win the daunting around the World single sailor GGR Race.  

May the wind fill her sails and carry her to a unique and very well earned victory. 

May the Force be with her!!!

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