Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.15.2020 (1757 days ago)


1757 days ago 45 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

While walking Charcoal the other day I came upon the pictured sign.


As soon as I spied it my blogger juices began to flow and I quickly captured the pictured image.

What a stark, yet elegant statement!

Kindness is defined as follows:


In these unprecedented difficult days we should all aspire to be kind or more kind as the case may be.  As we can see, it is a shared strength.  

I think it meshes well with our “It’s better to give than receive...” mantra!

Please join me!

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It’s better to be kind than right!

Posted By : Erin Mckenna