Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.14.2012 (4431 days ago)

Killing Time II (point, counter point)

Killing Time II (point, counter point)
4431 days ago 0 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Last week I blogged about how free, unfettered time is creatively fertile and raged against the "noise" of all our modern technology.

However, being a lawyer requires one to be able to advocate either side of an argument, ergo, point, counter point.

To be fair, the flip side of my last blog is that the technology, eg, internet is a free avenue for self expression and creativity.

As my oracle recently blogged "You've got the tools. You've got the laptop with the built-in video camera, you've got the Internet connection, you can post on YouTube for free. Don't be afraid to play. Only by doing so can you get lucky. And better."

He adds "especially when you are alone and dorky. The Internet allows you to hook up to the rest of those who are alone and dorky. Its the best anti-suicide machine ever invented. Technology kills loneliness. The only people bitching about the perils of tech are those too old and too entrenched to see the benefits."

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