Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.10.2022 (959 days ago)

Keith’s day

Keith’s day
959 days ago 5 comments Categories: Games Tags:Keith Hernandez, #17, Citi Field

Depending on one’s age you may be more familiar with the baseball broadcaster/analyst than the total ballplayer many of us “experienced” after Keith Hernandez joined the New York Mets June 15, 1983. It was electric inside and outside Citi Field yesterday (July 9, 2022). The Mets emailed ticketholders to arrive early; my Mets Group Sales rep Aaron Ryley also sent a similar message. We (Shelly and Marisa of course and friends Linda and Anthony Lemma) arrived as planned around 2:00 p.m. and observed very long lines as ticketholders lined up early to get the Keith bobblehead (even got an extra for Friday’s blogger).

Keith Bobblehead

We were able to park very close to the Jackie Robinson Rotunda and Marisa got on line; unlike the days of the previous owners when I recall frequent delays getting through the entry gates, especially on Opening Day, the line moved quickly and we reached our seats well before the 3:30 p.m. scheduled start of the Number 17 Retirement Ceremony.


We enjoyed the game that followed and the result too!

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Comments from Guests
Great day and long overdue. The only disappointment was that the bobble head figure should have been Keith the 11-time gold-glove first baseman, as opposed to Keith- the great color commentator!

Posted By : Cary J Spiegel

It was a wonderful ceremony for Keith and a very exciting game. I am glad you and the family were there to enjoy it.

Posted By : Audrey