Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Just saying

Just saying
1726 days ago 16 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Government, politics, editorials, op-eds, high school, partisan,

Friday’s blogger opined this past Friday how politics unintentionally crept into the comments to his blog that ran the week before. Bloggers on this platform agree not to cross into politics when the opine. Though I worked in government, advise many affected by its actions, serving in it or seeking to serve I find comfort in my ability to muse about topics not involving politics. BUT that does not mean that blogs posted here – including mine – need to avoid being political.


Yes I make a distinction between political and politics. Unfortunately and probably much before any time that I can recall, folks use “political” when they really mean “partisan”. Not every political stand involves partisanship. In a comment to Friday’s blog, “I argue the need to distinguish between that what is PARTISAN and partisanship, and non-partisan. Political is too often misconstrued with being partisan. We need to understand the distinction between that which we know as PARTISAN acts and that which is political. (Almost all) People often misuse political when then they should use partisan.”


My first professional speechwriting assignment concerned why high school students should care about government. The remarks I drafted for a political leader/public official discussed in rather simple terms why it makes sense to follow what goes on in government and public affairs. So many everyday decisions we make involve political decisions but not something partisan. Everyday political decisions we make that in no way cross over to partisan include: switching on the lights when we enter a room in our home, flushing a toilet, walking/biking/driving/commuting/telecommuting. All represent political decisions that do not necessarily crossover into things partisan.


I adapted that first speech into various editorials and op-eds and even blogs here that mostly focused on on the efficacy of getting involved and exercising our right to vote. Both political but NOT partisan.


That said let’s keep the discussions here Non-Partisan.


That in no way means any blogger need shy away from covering thought-provoking topics.


And by the way, until perhaps the weekend started, thinking about yesterday’s blog, my plan involved another topic. Just another example how blogs on Gotham invoke thought without crossing into partisan territory.


Just saying.


And Stay safe.

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