11.20.2013 (4125 days ago)

Just Say (OH) No!!!

Just Say (OH) No!!!
4125 days ago 3 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

I've seen a lot of embarassing things in my lifetime...but how would you like to be one of the wonderful citizens of the city of Toronto.  Mayor Rob Ford continues to feed the evening news with wonderful sound bites that Saturday Night Live must struggle with to actually find something funnier than the real thing.  Again, my guess is it's only funny for those looking in from the outside, not the Torontonians (?) themselves.  How does their system of government not have some type of mechanism that allows them to throw him out?!?


I mean just look how far we've come from the dreaded days of "I didn't exhale."  We're talking full blown crack pipes and sexually graphic accusations.  It was honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen when after spending hours being berated by fellow public officials, Ford shrugged his shoulders, turned his palms up and exclaimed to the room, "I don't know what else to say...I F-d up!"  Really!?!


This was more along the lines of an apology you'd get from a fraternity brother who was caught raiding the refridgerator of a sorority house. after hours


Poor old Rob Ford, one day your riding high and the Mayor of one of Canada's greatest cities, the next minute you're living in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!!!!!


Apologies to Chris Farley.

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