Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.21.2014 (4012 days ago)

Just Kidding

Just Kidding
4012 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Whenever someone takes a shot at me and then excuses his or herself by saying " I was just kidding", I respond immediately that my father taught me that nothing is ever said in jest.

One must learn that there's always a germ of truth in that "joke"or jest
and it is that germ of truth that must concern one's self and must be paid attention to.

Words to the wise!

Having posited this absolute verity, I must explain that I am the exception to the rule because I have a left-handed person's sense of humor which is often misunderstood.

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