Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.08.2016 (3044 days ago)

Just Do It

Just Do It
3044 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I set my alarm this morning for 5:30. I never get up that early but I had to be in the office early for a meeting that will last all day today – and I was not prepared to risk the chance to vote.



So, I rolled out of bed, threw on sweatpants, and ran over to my local polling place. Apparently, I was not the only one with the idea of casting my vote early. I was there with a room packed full of my neighbors. I patiently waited my turn and exercised my right to vote.



I have voted in every election since I legally could. [No, I won’t tell you here how many but you might be able to guess.] Yet, this election was different, more urgency and importance. So I broke all rules about leaving the house without makeup, and was on line at 6 am.



I know I did my part today. Regardless of which candidate you vote for today, I hope you go out and do the same.

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