Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.22.2023 (440 days ago)

Jury Duty

Jury Duty
440 days ago 33 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I received a Juror Qualification Questionnaire in the mail.

I eyed it warily as Jury Duty, even though provided for in the Constitution, is generally regarded unfavorably.

I have been called, but have never served.

I filled it out and will send it back.  

My initial reaction is, except possibly for my vintage or being an attorney, I should qualify. We shall see what we shall see... 

Can you imagine me beingon a Jury?

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Neither vintage or occupation will exempt you from mandatory jury duty in NY state. Check google for ways to get excused. Try it. You may meet interesting people. I served with William Wegmsn, photographer of Weimaraners.

Posted By : RitaSue Siegel