Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.06.2018 (2439 days ago)

July 4th Week Commute Record

July 4th Week Commute Record
2439 days ago 23 comments Categories: Games Tags:

I live on Long Island and drive to work in Manhattan. Actually, I drive 19 miles from my home to the Queens side of the East River and take the subway two stops to my office in Manhattan.

I take various driving routes without using Waze and bide my time by making Bluetooth telephone calls and listening to books on CDs.

Once school is out traffic lightens and I think of breaking my 42 minute door-to-door record.  A key factor in a record-breaking effort is a good subway connection.

On Tuesday I had a morning meeting on Long Island and did not leave for the city until 9:30 and had smooth sailing to the garage, but the subway crept along in the tunnel and I arrived at my office at
10:31.  61 minutes was a good elapsed time considering the delay.

On the way home on Tuesday I left the office in the early afternoon and got stuck in the Rushahoma pre-Fourth of July traffic and it took forever (for another kind of record).

On the 4th, this dedicated blogger, in a never ending quest for blog content, did not take the day off and drove from home to my regular Long Island City garage with Joanne to visit PS-1. All the traffic was going in the opposite direction towards the beach and we reached the garage in a record 22 minutes.  We did not take the subway, so there was no door to door opportunity.

Yesterday I left my home at 9 o'clock and arrived at my office in 53 minutes as I was stalled by subway traffic.

And the record stands for another year!

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