Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
04.05.2022 (1011 days ago)


1011 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Did you ever feel so busy that it seemed you were literally juggling balls in the air?  We’ve all been there.  Honestly, I’m pretty sure juggling is one of my superpowers.


That said, I know we all have our own tips and tricks for juggling.  Mine is all about a good list and written plan.  The busier I get, the more attached I become to my lists.


My lists have a method. On Sunday evenings, usually around 9 pm, I plan the week.  I literally write out the calendar for the week on the top of a page; break my tasks into categories (client work; administrative; Gotham; personal; you get the idea); and the list begins.  There is always a category for the “Critical Tasks” – those that just jump out as screaming for quick completion.


Then of course there is the color coding. Highlighting works great.


My favorite list tool is the “checkbox” – the kind you can add to a list and then click when you’ve accomplished that task.  Clicking that box just feels so good, even if the item on the list was simple and quick, checking it off feels like I’ve conquered the world.


What is your special tool that gets you through those times that you’re juggling?  Are you drawn to my list approach?

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