10.23.2023 (491 days ago)

Joy In the Produce Aisle

Joy In the Produce Aisle
491 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Supermarkets are often hurried places with the routine of shoppers, carts moving, and register lines that seem to never move quickly enough.  It is usually a place where people come to quickly purchase their essentials and leave. But sometimes, in the most unexpected places, we stumble upon moments of pure joy.


It happened to me on a routine grocery run after work one evening. I was racing around the store determined to finish quickly so I could get home after a long and difficult day at work. As I stepped into the produce aisle, I heard a beautiful voice singing “What a Wonderful World.”  I thought was coming from the loudspeakers.  To my surprise, it was one of the food store workers, passionately singing his heart out while placing produce on the shelves.


The store worker sang with such soul and joy that it was impossible not to be drawn in. I stopped what I was doing to listen. As his voice filled the space it was as if he was reminding us that, even during the most mundane tasks such as grocery shopping, beauty and happiness could be found.


As he finished his song, there was a moment of silence followed by loud applause from the appreciative audience in the produce aisle. He shyly smiled, mock bowed, and continued working. I personally thanked him for adding a much-needed smile to my day.


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