Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Join us as Gotham Rocks!

Join us as Gotham Rocks!
1454 days ago 16 comments Categories: Music Tags:Gotham Band of the Bands®, Rock and Roll, Funk, Jazz, Hip Hop, Rap, Cafe Wha?, Club Groove

As more of us get vaxed and the weather warms – after all we rejoice in the arrival of Spring today, one can envision a return of a summer concert season focusing on outdoor venue. Not sure yet on that as two concerts that were rescheduled to May got rescheduled to next fall. Indeed, many shows we planned to attend before the advent of COVID-19 got rescheduled multiple times. Gotham found a third way when it comes to the return of its annual Battle of the Bands®: A virtual program, set for Thursday June 17, 2021, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.


“Virtual” means a “battle” this year “Open to entrants from ANYWHERE in the world” and is not limited to any musical genre.


That opens the possibility of performers outside the greater metropolitan tri-state area.


I certainly plan to suggest that my brother in Portland and my cousin’s son in Boston, considering applying to be one of the six finalists who get to compete for three prizes:


First Prize: $2000 PLUS an appearance at Café Wha? or Club Groove in NYC upon full reopening.

Second: $1000


Third: $500


Winners will be selected by a panel of judges selected by the Gotham Battle of the Bands® organizing committee.


An Eligible “band” requires at least two (2) people playing instruments; the band can be any size. Actual performance must include at least one original song. Fill out and the online application here.

Interested bands must return their Application no later than May 10, 2021; Gotham waives the $50 application fee for full time high school or college students.


Gotham’s Battle of the Bands® committee plans to select and notify finalists no later than May 30, 2021. Expect our Executive Producer, Norm Spizz, to organize one stellar concert.


In contrast to discussions about politics that tend towards controversy and division, music tends to bring people of different persuasions together. Some of my social media posts (I purposely avoid giving P.R. to either platform in this blog) invite “interesting” comments. Even articles I share on the Gotham Politics Listserve ( engender intense discourse. Not so when I post about music on those platforms or on Gotham’s Music Listserve ( And I attended some great concerts with some who share views that differ from mine. That further demonstrates my point about music and what excites me about helping to product Gotham’s Battle of the Bands®.


Please spread the word. Use this short link – – to share word on your social media. Share the excitement of its return following a planned year off in 2019 and a COVID cancellation in 2020, even before we could promote the event in spaces such as this (and many others).


As Gotham’s sponsor chair, I normally pitch prime seating at the live venue as part of the Sponsor “package.” The new innovation in lieu of that involves sponsor videos running at various points in the program. So if you find any interest sponsoring and elevating the visibility of your business, please consider the sponsoring opportunities (note some may be taken by the time this appears.)


$2,500 Lead sponsor: includes name on the event, listing on all media and front page of virtual program journal and thirty (30) second video shown three (3) times, large banner ad throughout the online event (Full page is 5x8”).

$1,000 Rock and Roll sponsor: back page of virtual program journal and thirty (30) second video shown twice OR inside front page of program journal(Full page is 5x8”).

$500 Funk Sponsor: inside back page and fifteen (15) second video shown twice OR left centerfold full page in virtual program journal performance OR right centerfold full page in virtual program journal (Full page is 5x8”).

$250 Jazz Sponsor: full page in virtual program journal and fifteen (15) second video. (Full page is 5x8”).

$150 Hip Hop Sponsor: half (1/2) page in virtual program journal and 10 second video (1/2 page is 5x4”).

$100 Rap Sponsor: Quarter (1/4) page or Business card in virtual program journal (1/4 page is 2.5x4”).

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