Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.21.2022 (858 days ago)

Joanne's a Fan

Joanne's a Fan
858 days ago 26 comments Categories: Games Tags:

My wife Joanne is an artist with different tastes and talents than me who during the arc of our dating and marriage went her own way while I was inordinately consumed by sports and fandom.  


Recently, however, there has been an appreciable and appreciated shift. Maybe because of Aaron Judge’s epic season or the late season call up of Rookie Oswaldo Cabrera (her favorite Yankee) or some other more cosmic reason.  In any case, now as our Yankees strive for a potential 28th World Series victory, she is all in as she watches the games with me asking questions and noticing things, eg, uniform colors and contrasts, I have always overlooked.  


To say the least, it is wonderful and, for sure, Joanne is a Fan and Yankee good luck charm!


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