Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.03.2022 (1013 days ago)


1013 days ago 22 comments Categories: Health Tags:

There are thoughts I think which I would never say out loud for fear of Bad Luck or jinxing myself.  

Where does superstition and the above type of fear spring from?

I think it was my mother and all her “Do Nots”, eg, never leave a hat on a bed or walk under a ladder.  Thanks for the advice mom!

Whatever the root cause, I am it’s captive.  You would be very surprised with all my mishugas, eg, I can’t bike over a manhole cover or stop until I reach my destination. 

It’s day in and day out madness!  Maybe I’m OCD…

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