04.27.2015 (3592 days ago)

Jenner's Journey

Jenner's Journey
3592 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

One could not go on the internet in the past week or turn on a television without seeing or hearing Bruce Jenner’s name. To me, he always has been that incredibly handsome athlete who captured America’s hearts when he won the gold medal at the 1976 Olympic decathlon and became the “best athlete in the world.” To my daughter’s generation, however, he is someone different. To her, Jenner is that bumbling father who appeared in the Kardashian reality show, a perception very different than that of me and my husband.

So, it was interesting to see how I, my husband, and my daughter would react to Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer concerning his transition to a women. I have to admit my initial reaction before the interview was very blasé, I felt that he absolutely had the right to live however he choose but naively questioned why such an attractive male would want to transition to a female. My daughter and husband felt the same about his right to live his life as he choose but questioned, a bit, his motivation in giving the interview. Given the brazen marketing of the Kardashian brand, they questioned the authenticity of his purpose in coming forward.

Watching the interview changed all of our minds. Jenner was extremely expressive and articulate about the battle he has been fighting since he was a child. He spoke openly and honestly about his daily struggles and his earlier attempt to transition to a woman in the 1980’s. And Diane Sawyer’s interviewing skills were first rate. She sensitively guided him through his story but was not afraid to ask the deeply personal questions.

Interestingly, my husband, daughter, and I all had the same reaction at the close of the interview; we were speechless. We all have a newfound respect for Jenner and his strength at publically discussing such a deeply personal issue. And, our respect for Diane Sawyer also soared due to her ability to sensitively tackle this challenging subject.

Kudos to Bruce Jenner for your honesty and your  desire to help those who share your struggle. My family wishes you all the best in your journey and  truly hope you find your happiness.

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