Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.19.2016 (3175 days ago)


3175 days ago 6 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Jackson, Pets, Fathers Daytt

Pets never made a regular presence at "Grand Junction," the name (my daughter) Marisa gave our place on Four Square.  Occasionally we watched my nephew Douglas' hamsters; that seems ages ago.


One of the four-legged variety seems capable of infusing himself as if he lived here each visit:



Our niece Tara's little dog, Jackson.


He seems very much at home each time he visits; he gets mucho love from Aunt Shelly.  Heck, Jax gets to occupy a chair barred to a full-time occupant.  We celebrated Father's Day yesterday to accomodate new mom Tara's schedule with hubby Dave.

Tara's mom, also sister to Shelly, and Tara's siblings James and Ashley, our son Jonathan and their Grandpa Louie rounded out the visitors.


If not for the presence of "his" new little sis, Eden Rose, Jackson often gets all the attention; even with the competition, Jax kind of held his own.


Happy Father's Day to all the dads (and thank you to all the moms!).

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