08.28.2014 (3833 days ago)


3833 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

My son, Charles, got me a Jawbone for my birthday. I wear it on my wrist. No, not that kind of jawbone! This one syncs to my iPhone, has an app, and will keep me healthy. (I hope.)


Even the recitation of the words with new meanings makes me nostalgic for my Timex and running logbook of old. However one must get with the program.


Jawbone is one of the variations of several devices that monitor your movement and, through some basic information about you and algorithms, tracks you on the way to health and well-being. At least, that’s the marketing.


It is really a hi-tech physical motivator. Simple. Stay active, stay healthy. You give it some information and your goals and it tells you how you’re doing. A little kick in the ass. I set mine to vibrate when I’ve been sedentary too long.


I set my goals aggressively - perhaps too optimistically. So far, my Jawbone may trade me in.


I am reminded of who gave it to me and the occasion for the gift. There goes the vibration and its time to get up. I’ll keep my Jawbone and make sure that it doesn't trade me in.

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