Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.02.2016 (3263 days ago)

It was only a bird or was it...?

It was only a bird or was it...?
3263 days ago 3 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

If you haven't heard, a small bird landed on Bernie Sander’s podium during a speech in Portland, Oregon, on March 25. He was shocked and surprised and it was an interesting moment. It almost seemed like a scene from a Disney movie.


Of course some creative folks made the connection and, as fast as you can say Disneyland, not only were hashtags born #BirdieSanders and #FeelTheBird, there were magical mashups of Bernie Sanders as a Disney princess. Even the Daily Show got involved.


The Bird


Little Bermaid

Feel the bird

Saint Bernie?

Daily Show Birdie

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