Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.04.2020 (1561 days ago)

It's the Season of Giving!

It's the Season of Giving!
1561 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Hopefully everyone in the Tribe is familiar with our Season of Giving initiative. In case you’re not, it is a year long drive to fund Gotham Foundation grants which we will be announcing on December 16 at our virtual/Zoom Holiday Party.

The number of grants and the amounts thereof have not yet been determined, but it is clear that the amount dispensed will be greater than last year. This is as a consequence of the generosity of those members who chose to donate their meal cost refunds to the Foundation. For that we all thank you.

Thank you also to Raj Goel, Josh Zinder, Jason Greenberg, Paul Napolitano, Vincent Russo and Ben Geizhals for agreeing to match Season of Giving credit card donations in their particular month. Thank you also to Marc Halpert, our credit card purveyor, who donates back any fees attributable to credit card donations.

We still have two weeks to enlarge the amounts of the grants and you could help by going to and making a credit card contribution which will be matched by Ben Geizhals and myself.

When you visit the Gotham Foundation website to donate you can see the historical record (pictured above) of all the worthy 501 c 3 recipients of the Gotham Foundation grants.

The Season of Giving is among the very best things that we do.

Thank you all!

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