
It’s better to give....

It’s better to give....
487 days ago 10 comments Categories: Health Tags:Gotham, Season of Giving, Giving Tuesday, Thanksgiving, Service Now for Adult Person, Renee Richter, Jeff Greenwood, Joshua Zinder, JZA + D, Steve Glassberg, Creedmoor, Tom Suozzi, Toby Stavisky, Donovan Richards, Linda Lee, Paola Miceli, Friendly Visitin

A Gotham mantra – it’s better to give than receive...” – takes a special meaning this month. Not just because Gotham approaches a countdown to when our tribe announces the recipient charities of its annual Season of Giving. In just over two weeks, the first Tuesday, after Thanksgiving, that’s Tuesday, November 28, this year 2023, Giving Tuesday takes place.


As many readers in this space, and probably many others know, the non-profit senior services agency, Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP) holds a special place for this correspondent. I chair its diverse and professional Board of Directors which also include Gotham members Renee Richter and Jeff Greenwood; Gotham’s Joshua Zinder’s JZA & D firm is our architect and Steve Glassberg is our construction counsel. Shortfalls in funding to complete new older adult center and base for our senior services programs led to an ongoing capital campaign that merits your support. Just over a year ago then-outgoing Member of Congress Tom Suozzi announced a $750,000 federal grant which the agency submitted paperwork I prepared to access last Spring and hope to realize soon. Last month, State Senator Tony Stavisky visited our site wee look forward to vacate on the Creedmoor campus in Queens Village to announce a $1,000,000 state grant. I already submitted the necessary documents and hope to begin work early next year.


That said much more than double those generous allocations remain needed. On Friday morning, I discussed with the Queens Borough President Donovan Richards the need to get the City’s Office of Management and Budget to release funding due SNAP and support his efforts and those of just re-elected City Council Member Linda Lee to support this project that greatly benefits the community. At our board meeting last Thursday, our great, innovative and hard-working CEO, Paola Miceli reported the City recently extended SNAP’s Friendly Visiting Program to cover one-half of the borough of Queens (Community Boards 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14). 


Other charities I support include Vincent and Susan Russo’s The Theresa Foundation which successively honored Friday’s blogger in 2015 and this Gotham Sunday blogger the following year, and the Kings-FDR Tolerance Foundation of my FDR Lodge 613 Knight of Pythias. Feel to to mention any deserving one that matter to you in the comments. Gotham member also enjoy an opportunity to promote their charitable causes tomorrow morning on our Fredslist listserve as part of our MAD Mondays program.


So remember #GivingTuesday on your social media. And if you require further inspiration, I offer some music to set the mood.

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