Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.09.2016 (3257 days ago)

It's all about priorities

It's all about priorities
3257 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

From the worldwide resources of Gotham comes this strange but true story.


An Austrailian man was arrested yesterday for choosing to put seat belts on his beer and not his children. Now there's a man with a clear priority.


The photo on the left shows the actual two cases of beer carefully protected by restraints. Photos of the children were unavailable but sources tell me they were jumping around the back seat yelling "drive faster."


The authorities response "We are doing our best to stamp it out through enforcement but we are also about to embark on public education, which is obviously needed in remote communities."


You mean parents need to be taught that children are more important than beer?

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