
It’s a secret!

It’s a secret!
1978 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Knights of Pythias, FDR Lodge 613, Basketball, Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, Todd Rundgren, Micky Dolenz, Christopher Cross, Badfinger, Joey Molland, Chicago, Jason Scheff, the Beatles, The White Album

It’s a secret!


Not the event. It appears on a couple of calendars found on line – at the New York Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias website’s “Pythian Events” link and on the host FDR Lodge 613 website calendar.


But telling what happens remains a no go. All I can share about the event is I organized it so friends I play basketball with in Floral Park, Queens can fulfill their obligation to “take the ranks” as members in our Lodge that covers their twice weekly basketball.


My generous lodge which also raises thousands for charity meets in Brooklyn; the Queens location works out very conveniently as most taking the ranks live in northeast Queens or Long Island. FDR has members who also live upstate, in New Jersey and in Florida (and other states). One of our members recently completed a term as “Supreme Chancellor” of the entire order (Another serves as Supreme Treasurer.). The knight coordinating the proceedings today serves as “Imperial Prince” of the order’s affiliated Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan (aka DOKEYS)


A few other lodges are sending members to take the ranks as well.


And we thank Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1056 for allowing the use of their Hall.


Learn more about the Fraternal Order Knights of Pythias, and its charitable work, at our website.


None of the good work of the order, its lodges and affiliates should be a secret to anyone!


p.s. last eve we celebrated my birthday a few days late by taking in a concert,

‘It Was 50 Years Ago Today’ – featuring Todd Rundgren, Micky Dolenz, Christopher Cross, Badfinger’s Joey Molland & Chicago’s Jason Scheff – celebrating the Beatles White Album. Thank you to Gotham’s Vincent Russo for securing the tickets.

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