Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
06.19.2021 (1359 days ago)

It's a lot

It's a lot
1359 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Traffic is increasing and we as drivers as well as the roads are struggling to cope. Some say it's because people do not want to take public transportation while a recent report stated that the influx of traffic is directly related to our increase in buying online.


Yes. Take a look around (safely) while your driving and you'll notice a tremendous amount more trucks and vans. We are all clicking the Buy Now button on Amazon and most people I talk too won't go back into a grocery store again.


In fact, when I shop at Whole Foods, I'm a minority because I'm an individual shopper. The majority are Amazon Prime people shopping for a few people at one time. I've gotten some bruises because they don't look up as they make their way around the store. Their head is in their phone looking at the next item they are locating.


So be careful on the Whole Foods ;)

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