01.01.2024 (420 days ago)

It's Resolution Day

It's Resolution Day
420 days ago 7 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Today is New Years Day and, annually, we make New Year's resolutions. The statistics on resolution success are a bit discouraging. Twenty-three percent of people quit their resolutions by the end of the first week and forty-three percent quit by the end of the first month. In fact, the second Friday in January has been coined as “Quiter’s Day,” reflecting the day that most people break their resolutions.


With that in mind, I thought I would look at the traditions of resolutions differently this year. I decided to take a moment to reflect on my past successes and project those into the future.   Rather than give myself a new target that I will not fulfill, I decided to focus on the positive changes I have made in the past year and expand on those.


For instance, I have become a water drinker in the past year, drinking at least thirty-eight ounces a day. From that, I see positive results in my skin and weight. So, for the year ahead I decided to expand on that and try to drink even more water per day.


Hopefully, I have not given myself yet another resolution that I will not fulfill. I hope that looking at my resolution differently this year, I can be more successful.


Have you made a resolution?

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