Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.17.2019 (2003 days ago)

It’s Out and I’m Twitching

It’s Out and I’m Twitching
2003 days ago 4 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

That time of year is upon us when there are new phones in the air. September is always the month that iPhones are born. I suppose there is no real surprise. It seems like there is a full year gestational period for the next iteration each year.


I have been in need of a new phone for a little while but I’ve been limping along to just try to make it to the day of ordering. But now I have to make up my mind.


Anyone out there have any advice for me in choosing my next iPhone? Do I want the 11 Pro, the 11 Max or the ordinary 11?

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