Or maybe it isn’t.
At New Year’s every year, I set goals. You could call them resolutions. I prefer goals. My goals range from personal to work, small to large. And they always include something about weight.
With all candor, I don’t always achieve my goals. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I get close. But to me, it doesn’t matter because I appreciate the process. It makes me focus on what is important at any given point in time.
One personal goal for 2017 is to put my electronics down when engaged in a conversation. As I multi-task through the day, my cellphone is a lifeline to all of the various balls in the air. But, I think that also makes me less present in the moment.
So there you have it – if I check my phone while we are talking, make me stop.
Are you a goal setter? Does New Year’s bring that out in you?
Posted By : hydrajet