Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
08.04.2014 (3870 days ago)

It's Getting Close -- The Must Haves and Must Nots

It's Getting Close -- The Must Haves and Must Nots
3870 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My house is all consumed right now with college prep. Not the figuring out what school to go to kind – but the shopping, packing and generally getting ready to leave kind.

I will save until later in the month the blog about sending my oldest off to college. I am trying hard not to think too much about that day – it’s not going to be pretty! (I am sure that I will be a wreck. Of course, if anyone has any advice for me, I am all ears.) Instead, today’s blog is about the feeling that we are buying too much. This past weekend was the must have shoes and the drug store run after which I commented that it seemed that she would not need to see the inside of Walgreens all year.

So, for those of you who have been through this before, do you have any words of wisdom for me? What are those items we absolutely must have – and really, what are the ones on which we should not waste our time or money?

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