Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.01.2014 (3751 days ago)

It's Empty Again

It's Empty Again
3751 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I know that for most of the summer you all indulged my blogs about getting ready to send my oldest child to college. Thank you, your indulgence was much appreciated. I have purposely refrained from giving you all a play by play description of the college transition process every week thinking that might be pushing it a little too far.

But we’ve just had a milestone – Thanksgiving. My house was full again – loud, messy, and really fun. All of us talking, often at the same time, meals and drives together and family time, lots and lots of family time.

As quickly as it started though it came to an end and now the house is quiet(er) again. Not quite as loud or nearly as messy. Don’t get me wrong; it’s not bad. We are enjoying the time with our youngest who never had the chance to be the only child but still, it’s not quite right.

As I said goodbye to my daughter on the train platform on Sunday and hugged her with a tear in my eye, she uttered those infamous words – “You’re insane. I’ll be home in two weeks!”

And off she went back to school.

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