Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.16.2021 (1209 days ago)

It's All of You

It's All of You
1209 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You may have noticed, at least I hope you have, a new thing happening on Tuesdays on our social media.  The past few weeks, have had “Gotham Tuesdays” where members have shared what is special about Gotham to them. 


Fred rolled out the first and toured us around some of Gotham’s offerings. Next, Shelley Simpson showed us all how to do it and she made me want to join! Crysti Farra was up after Shelley and she warmed my heart about the reach of our network.  I can’t tell you how gratifying it was to hear everyone share their connection experiences within our family and how and why we make a difference.


So, I thought I would let you in on my secret.  Of course, this isn’t much of a secret at all and if I am a Gotham Tuesday presenter, you will all know my direction ahead of time.


Here is what is special to me about Gotham – it is undoubtedly each and every one of you.


We are a family of personalities – all different types.  Some louder, some quieter. Some stronger, some softer.  Some larger, some  more subdued.  But the theme is that we come to the table  to “break bread” together – how is that for a pre-pandemic concept?!?  Someone once said that if another person “breaks bread” with you, they have made a commitment to getting to know you.    Of course, our entire philosophy is built upon the good things and great business that flows when our members spend time getting to know each other.


Gotham is a family that makes that commitment over and over again.  We prove that it works, over and over again.


Happy Tuesday Gotham. I’d be pleased for you to share one thing that Gotham brings to you.


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