Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.06.2021 (1377 days ago)

It makes a big difference....for me

It makes a big difference....for me
1377 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My wife “retired” just before the winter. Around that same time my work schedule, pandemic and all, picked up and I found a need for some assistance. I often could not get away to check my box at the post office, get to the bank or even during my afternoon, address some of the yard work. I cannot complain about being busy. My mantra remains to help others and make a difference. As we moved to spring and summer, I noticed Shelly taking on different tasks I used to squeeze into my day often when I returned from a meeting or other task, sweeping the front curb, and sidewalk. She even took up the tasks involved in making my outside office ready. Power-washing the side of our deck my outside office occupies and cleaning the white railings (They look really nice!). Next thing I know, I am working at my desk and she is sweeping up the yard, watering the plants, and last week even added a planted to the deck and planted some flowers. I really appreciate her efforts. I did pick up red mulch but my practice is to wait until Father’s Day passed to put it down (as the tree “droppings” pretty much cease by then); and in theory, things should ease up then (unless I take on a new project). I never expected the help; it certainly makes a difference for me.

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