Tonight is the first Passover Seder. My husband and I, every year, host both seders for our families. This year we are hosting fifteen people the first night and twenty-seven the second night. Given our experience with cooking for Passover, we definitely have our routines down. Essentially, our routine is to save all of our cooking for the weekend before and get it all done in one marathon weekend. It has always worked for us. And we each have our specialties that we prepare.
This year, for the first time I began to feel apprehensive about getting everything done in time. I realized that the source of my apprehension was Facebook. All week long people were posting pictures of their completed briskets, turkeys, and desserts. Every time another picture popped up on Facebook, I would nervously question whether our menus for each seder will be completed in time.
As I take some time out from our weekend seder preparation to write this blog, I am happy to report that 36 eggs have been hard boiled and peeled, charosis is finished, chicken, chicken soup, and matzoth balls are done, brisket is done, turkey is done, sweet potatoes are done, Passover stuffing is done, roasted asparagus is done and sweet and sour meatballs are almost done. We cooked all weekend-- despite the fact that my husband threw his back out on Sunday--and we will have our menus for both seders completed on time.
Our cooking method may not be Facebook friendly but, at least, it works for us. Happy Passover and Easter Gotham!! How are you spending the holidays?
Posted By : hydrajet