Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.16.2019 (1910 days ago)

It Happens All The Time And Thank You

It Happens All The Time And Thank You
1910 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Three different times today the same thing happened. Someone called or emailed to ask for a referral. Each time the “ask” started the same way. “I’m sure you don’t know anyone who does this but . . .” Each time I was able to respond with, “well actually I do” and follow up with contact information or a warm introduction between two contacts.

That feels so good. You all know exactly what I am talking about.

But really, the purpose of my blog is to say thank you.

We talk all the time about how important Gotham is to the strength of our resource webs. I want to be that person that my clients and contacts can rely upon to help solve their problems – even if those problems have nothing to do with my professional work. But the power of that position only comes from the strength of your network.

So, thank you Gotham. Because of our tribal family, I said yes three times today. Looking forward to more connections tomorrow.

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