Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.14.2023 (690 days ago)

Is it Still a Man's World?

Is it Still a Man's World?
690 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last week I wrote about Kirsten Neuschafer (pictured), an extraordinary woman striving to win an around the World single sailor sail boat race against an all male field. I'm happy to announce that at this writing she is still (barely) in the lead.  

After reading the blog, the subject question was posed by one of my readers and it got me thinking.  

I was a first born son who grew up in the wonderful 1950s. Wonderful for me, but not so much for my sister who was always heard to say "My brother is an only child".

Was it right? Most probably not, but it was indicative of the times...

Over the span of my life much has changed for the betterment of women (and as a result for men). 

I ascribe much of my success in my career as a lawyer to my 3 female partners, including my Gotham co Founder Nancy Schess.  

But the question was posed and the question remains...

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We are on the right path of getting closer to inclusion, but still has a lot of work to go. There are still parts of the world were it is clearly a patriarchal society. I have served with and now work with a lot of great women. I hope one day you are judge solely on your performance and character.

Posted By : Matthew Nowak