Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.25.2015 (3596 days ago)

Is golf a sport?

Is golf a sport?
3596 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Golf in the United States is a $76 billion annual industry with about 25 million players. Thirty-eight percent of Americans call themselves golf fans.

Proponents say that golf meets the definition of "sport" found in the dictionary, requires physical exertion and coordination, and is recognized as a sport by sporting goods companies, athletic associations, fans, the media, and more. They point to golf's inclusion in the Olympics starting in 2016 as further evidence of its qualification as a sport.


Opponents say that golf better meets the definition of "game" than "sport," does not require rigorous physical activity, and can be played professionally by people who are overweight, injured, or non-athletic. They argue that golf is a game or leisure activity, and they cite golf's 112-year absence from the Olympics as proof that it is not a sport.


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