11.19.2014 (3764 days ago)

Is Perception Really Reality?

Is Perception Really Reality?
3764 days ago 14 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I have spent the past week with my mother as she reacovers from open heart surgery for a quadruple bypass.  After some early difficulties, she is now recovering nicely.  I can't speak highly enough about the amazing people at the St. Francis Cardiac Center at Good Samaritan Hospital.



I have unfortunately experienced more than my share of engagements with medical personnel in my lifetime.  Over and over again, I find myself perplexed at the way some in our country describe our health care system.  As a product of immigrants, I am quite proud to say that my family has never been wealthy.  Neither me nor my family have ever had access to anything that anyone else in the country couldn't have had access to and I am repeatedly stunned at how "lucky" I and everyone else in my family have been with the quality of our health care.



Sorry to those who disagree, and we certainly have more than our share who trash it. I for one couldn't be more proud and appreciative of the elite quality health care my family has been blessed with in this country.

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