02.20.2017 (2926 days ago)

Is It The Right Place or Time?

Is It The Right Place or Time?
2926 days ago 9 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

In the spirit of the open discussion that Mitch began last week, I share the following thoughts.


Most people who know me know that I enjoy pop culture  as a diversion from the day to day. I read People magazine weekly, I watch the Real Housewives while on the treadmill, and thanks to a certain Gothamite who shall remain nameless I read a certain fashion blog while eating lunch at my desk. So, for someone like me the current season, that being the awards season, i.e. Golden Globes, SAG, and Oscars, is a fun time. I enjoy watching the red carpets, seeing what and who the celebrities are wearing, and hearing them interviewed about the work that is being honored.


This year the awards shows appear to be taking a different turn. Many celebrities who have received awards have decided not to make typical acceptance speeches but, rather, political statements. And, while I might agree-or maybe disagree at times- with the statements they are making, I am not sure that this is the venue in which I want to hear their political views.


I have no issue with celebrities making impassioned speeches at political venues such as rallies or before Congress. In fact, if you google Aston Kustcher’s name you can watch-as  I did- a passionate and heartfelt speech he made before a Congressional subcommittee this week about the increasingly  growing menace of human trafficking and child prostitution. For me, his was an absolutely powerful and dynamic speech given  in the proper venue. Had he given the speech at the SAG awards, for example, I do not know whether I would have had the same receptive reaction.



This blog  is not about what the political statements the celebrities are making at awards shows, or whether they have the right to say it. Obviously, in our country, they do.  But I just wonder whether their message is best delivered in a more appropriate setting other than at an awards show. Thoughts?






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