07.21.2014 (3871 days ago)

Is It Nice to Share?

Is It Nice to Share?
3871 days ago 5 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

One of the only rules for Gotham bloggers, that I am aware of, is that we are supposed to stay away from “political topics.” Understanding the reasons for it, I absolutely agree with this rule. But I find it so difficult to write today without acknowledging the tragedy of Malaysia Flight 17 and the conflict in Israel. Both incidents have made me profoundly sad.

If anyone cares to see my political point of view on the Israeli conflict I have, for the first time, “shared” some political commentary on my Facebook page. I have never done this before, reserving my Facebook page for posting personal pictures, the link to my blog, and checking out what my children are doing. I have, historically, ignored all of the political postings on Facebook and have never “shared” anything. But, recently, I have noticed a lot of insightful, as well as witty, political commentary on Facebook. I have even “shared” a selective few on my page.

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