12.11.2013 (4106 days ago)

Is He A Sellout?

Is He A Sellout?
4106 days ago 3 comments Categories: Music Tags:

I have to be honest, when I first heard about it, I just assumed he needed the he got a job (let's be honest, between bad management and bad marriages, this wouldn't exactly require a Sherlock Holmes deduction).  In fact, I thought he got one over on the scalpers which to me was even better.


The way I heard it, after announcing a series of dates at Madison Square Garden that sold out instantly and were selling at ridiculous prices through brokers, it was announced that Long Island legend Billy Joel was going to play one date a month at MSG indefinitely.  It didn't bother me at the time, I just looked at it as the ultimate piano bar for a guy that we all love to go see play.


However, Saturday night, I spoke with a respected musician friend of mine who was apalled at the announcement.  Granted he heard it differently then me.  He heard it announced on the radio that Billy Joel had become a "franchise" of Madison Square Garden, Inc.  From that standpoint, my friend looked at this as a complete corporate sell-out.  In his words, "What the (blank) has happened to rock and roll?"


I'm really not sure what to think.  Some of you may find that in itself stunning (maybe I am still thrown off my game by Don's blog).  Does this bother any music lovers?  Is my jazz virtuoso friend overreacting or is this the greatest rock 'n roll "sell out" since The Who rolled on Odorono to cover the smell of the Heinz baked beans.

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