Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.19.2016 (3032 days ago)

Is Facebook done?

Is Facebook done?
3032 days ago 10 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Half of all Americans rely on Facebook for their news source. Unfortunately it has been used as a political tool this past election for spreading falsehoods and lies.


Facebook had fired their newstaff roughly 6 months ago so the social platform's news streams were unfettered and exploited. Fake news was published and displayed on individuals media streams right next to legitimate news sources such as the Wall Street Journal.


Zuckerberg has stated that only 1% of news on Facebook is false. Even if that's true (not sure how he would know) it is discounting the virality of social media. Fake news stories have been shared millions of times in the past few months.


Facebook is under fire and they have responded by saying they are considering several ways to tackle this issue.


Not sure what the end result will be. What do you think?

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