Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
10.11.2022 (880 days ago)

Interview Networking

Interview Networking
880 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This past week, I presented  a webinar for the NYSBA about post-interview do’s and don’ts. I described the process of searching for a job as one long networking experience.


Here is my theory.  Every time a candidate engages with a potential employer, they are making a contact and getting to know someone.  Every interview, is an opportunity to meet someone new and for them to get to know you.


Even where the interview does not turn into a job offer, the candidate has potentially built a new connection with whom they might cross paths again down the road.  Who knows?


To me, that “who knows” component of networking is the most fun.  Sometimes you just make a connection because it feels good — and you never know how that connection will circle back or if they will at all.


Do you agree with me?


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